As well as being experts in empathic practice, emotional intelligence, coaching and self-awareness, The Empathy Coach are also proud Learning & Development Specialists. Over the years we have partnered with many different clients on people, leadership and organisational development projects. As we embrace diversity within both our workforce and customer base, taking a non-judgemental, empathic approach has never been more relevant or important. Whether it's about providing a blended learning solution around empathic practice, adding empathy and relationship skills to your Sales and Customer Service programmes or enhancing your leadership development offer with culture-shifting, innovation-creating behaviours, we can provide you with sustainable solutions that will help you create a sustainable change. Here are some of the projects we've delivered that will give you an idea of the type of support we can provide.
DFS Group

Designed and deployed the training plan for a new central customer support contact centre (60+ FTE, hybrid-working contact centre)
Designed and deployed a new company-wide induction approach
Designed and delivered the learning solution for a UK-wide Sofa Recycling Service
Project-managed the integration of the DFS and dwell brands across the Retail Estate
Designed and delivered 'Managing Change in the Aftermath of COVID-19' virtual workshops for the DFS Retail Leadership Team
The Sofa Delivery Company

Led the people development workstream of DFS Group's new central logistics function, including:
On-boarding & Induction creation for the new brand for all Logistics Roles
Enhanced Product Knowledge solution for all brands
Designed & delivered Brand & Customer Experience Induction for all staff (certified as JAUPT-approved Driver CPC Training)
Designed and implemented full suite of online learning for the new central logistics function
IntraQuest Community CIC

Co-designed and delivered fully interactive* online learning solutions:
Reflective Practice & Creative Supervision
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Skills for Non-Therapists
Co-created IntraQuest's Learning Management System and online learning offer
* Including Video Tutorial creation, Captivate Learning Module creation and Downloadable resource creation

Designed and delivered the dwell Customer Promise Programme, a 5-week programme of development in self-awareness and customer service excellence for the dwell telephony team, including face-to-face workshop facilitation, online learning, self-led development activity and workplace coaching.

The Brunswick Centre
Designed and built an online learning programme in building personal resilience. The 12-week course was created to be self-led, and consists of bite-sized video tutorials and interactive activities, designed to build self-awareness, emotional intelligence and resilience. The course is aimed at individuals with physical, emotional and mental health challenges that seek to become more independent and productive in their lives.