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Many people strive to be better leaders, better communicators, better negotiators, better partners, better parents, or just in general, to live their best life. At The Empathy Coach, we offer a truly 'client-centred' coaching service - we work with you to understand your goals and desires, and help you to uncover and remove the blocks to success. Our coaching services are all about giving you the time, space and nurture to reflect and become more self-aware, resilient and empowered. It's a fully integrated service, using techniques from Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Work of Byron Katie, Cognitive and Behavioural Interventions plus our own unique tools that have been tried and tested throughout a 20+ year career of coaching, training, personal growth and leadership.

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Leadership spans a multitude of skills and requires mastery in many. You may require a more generalist Coach if you have yet to establish your development goals. If you have already established your development goals, you may then wish to source some more specialist support...

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Great relationships don't just 'happen' - they take work, commitment and investment. How much you value and 'put in' determines the output of any relationship. Conflict and frustration can arise as a result of one thing - a lack of understanding. People behave in ways or approach situations differently to how we would...

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Do you find yourself in conflict with those around you? Find yourself struggling to be patient or tolerant of people that are in your life? Do you want to feel more comfortable in those relationships? Want interactions to be calmer and happier? Want a better chance at influencing others? 

If any of these things resonate with you, our Empathy Coaching programme could be just what you need.

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Results-driven, goal-oriented people have coaches. It's a simple fact. You look at today's brightest minds and highest achievers, and they'll all have coaches. Having a coach means that you are committed to your own personal development - committed enough to invest in it, take it seriously and appreciate the fact that it ultimately pays for itself.

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